Monday, April 24, 2017

Semester Project

Feminism & Social Media

As millennials, we experience the world through social media. It allows to to connect with people that we never would have met otherwise, allowing us to live beyond the confines of our hometowns. Feminism is a huge part of my life, and I have social media to thank for that. I've learned so much about feminism from people on the internet speaking about their experiences with sexism and misogyny. Many people use social media as a platform to showcase their talents to large audiences. I have found many amazing feminist artists through social media. They inspire me to be a self-loving, positive, ambitious woman, and I hope to do the same thing. Women artists do not get the recognition they deserve, so I decided to create an Instagram account that features feminist artists that have inspired me. Under each post, I write about the artists and how they incorporate feminism in their art. To get followers at first, I reached out to some popular feminist accounts that I follow and asked them for advice. I was surprised when some of them offered to shout me out on their pages. I gained most of my followers that way, and the sense of support and community made me happy. I had not yet started posting on my page, but people were excited to discover new artists. 

While doing this project, I met many amazing people. One of the first people to follow me was a 14 year old girl who is also a very talented artists. When I went to her page, I was amazed by her drawings that she posted, so I messaged her asking if I can post her work on my page and she said yes. I asked her questions about why feminism is important to her and how art has helped her in her life. I had conducted my first interview and wrote about it, which was definitely outside of my comfort zone. Because of this project, I have discovered incredible people and artists that empower and celebrate women. 

For some inspiration, follow @artgirlpower 

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