Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My Pitch to you

Alexa Sanchez
Semester Project

Real Life Male Gaze
Hey Guys, I made a Tumblr to explain the male gaze that many don't seem to realize is male gaze or even just "gaze" IN GENERAL. There's video to help explain everything as well. I choose Tumblr because what better way than that million of views and such an easy way to help share how the "gaze" can affect many people everywhere, even Celebrities.  Male Gaze can be seen in many different ways. Male gaze is defined as any unwanted gawking, whistling, commenting and/or physical contact of a sexual nature — something that up to 99 percent of women report experiencing in their lifetimes. The male gaze is a visual art in literature that depicts the world and women from a masculine point of view, presenting women as objects of male pleasure. May linger over a women’s body, curves and physique. Shows how one can be viewed so differently just because you can sees me cleavage or some leg.  Mostly coming from a heterosexual man who views the world of a women through his own lens. On my blog post on Tumblr you see the video of A boy views on how he thinks women live their lives, well yea that boy is my boyfriend thinking he was funny. I asked him to help me with a video and he put on a wig and it actually did help because who would've ever thought that would be a perfect example of the male gaze, how he viewed it which is actually nothing like that in reality. As well as the mini clip from the movies transformers. 


1 comment:

  1. This is a very important topic and so crucial and important in art and media and feminism. I hope you spend time diving into this and learning and researching more about the Male Gaze and the work in defining, critiquing and raising awareness about it. Your project, however, lacks focus and especially lacks RESEARCH. Shaming women for selfies or participating in the male gaze is not a critique. There is some good information in your blog but it is unclear, disorganized and largely without any resources. The tumblr posts are also missing a connection to the scholars, authors, artists and art that address the male gaze.
