Semester Project
Stephanie Zito
Art and Women
April 24, 2017
S e m e s t e r P r o j e c t
For my semester project I decided to focus on Latin American women and their art. This semester I was enrolled in Art and Women with Professor Cacoilo, as well as a Latin American History course with Professor Brown. Both classes were of great interest for myself since I am a Mexican-American woman. As the semester progressed I was able to make connections between the two classes. It was then that I knew exactly what I would base my project on. When learning about the indigenous women in Latin America, I was truly amazed how far these women have come today. Back then Latin American women had numerous restrictions placed on them by the European Elites. It was not till the Feminist Movement in Latin America where they began to receive more rights, but even then they were not enough. Women were before told to stay home cook, clean and take care of the children. As if that was all they were capable of. To know that some women in Latin America have ventured out of the absurd assigned gender roles and decided to pursue their passion in art is truly wonderful.
To share my project with an outside audience I created a tumblr blog, that focuses on art by Latin American women. The art that I chose to show focused primarily on the culture of Latin America and the empowerment of others. When I visited Mexico back in 2015 I was amazed, there was so much culture. There were many female street artists that I had encountered with and I really felt a true connection to my culture through them. You could tell these women were struggling to support their families, but they decided to create art that embedded their culture. These women took pride in what they made, they made something out of nothing. The art I displayed on my blog I felt will help others find an inner connection with women from the Latin American culture and develop a sense empowerment through them. These latina artists deserve to be recognized, which is why I chose their art to be a part of my blog.
Works Cited
"About Maria Izquierdo." Maria Izquierdo | About Maria. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
"About the Artist." TAMARA ADAMS. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
"Artists." Adagio Galleries, R.C. Gorman, Art, B.C. Nowlin, Roger Hayden Johnson, Nivia Gonzalez. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
Moreno, Carolina. "9 Powerful Blogs By Latinas To Empower Women Everywhere." The Huffington Post., 08 Mar. 2016. Web. 24 Apr. 2017.
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