Saturday, April 29, 2017

Final Semester post; "Born to be Shamed"

Rana Yassa

Born to Be Shamed

My semester project is a piece of every girl's story in a poem. My poem is technically talking about what a girl grown up from day one learning and observing. How a girl grows to see herself less important and less worthy than her brother sibling. A girl also learning how to act and being programmed to live by certain rules and expectations that she can not dare to break, while watching her brother having no rules at all. Also the poem discusses how most of the girls get to the point where they hate themselves, hate the life that they never chose. And then later in the poem I discuss two famous artists Barbara Kruger, and Yoko Ono. Kruger being the one that breaks all stereotypes that females live by, and Ono working on un-sexualizing the women body and switching the eye of society from the women being the one to blame to blaming the audience. 

Baraba Kruger, Your Body is a Battleground, 1989

I used Soundcloud where I have my poem recorded with my own voice. 
Here is the link;

I also shared the track on twitter to get more people to listen to it.
Why I think its important to discuss such an issue, girls are born everyday facing the same exact problems, in 2017 girls are still sexualized, categorized and programmed to live by the standards and expectations. Girls grow up and they don't see it until they are teenagers, they don't know how to act towards it until they are adults. I hope that all girls will grow up to be mentally stable and capable of knowing what they want and pursuing towards it. I hope that every mother grows up acknowledging how society will treat her daughter so that she will be standing there, accepting her and showing her love.

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