Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Kiera Fils-Aime
January 25, 2017

     Ambivalently Yours is an anonymous artists. She is a feminists that encourages women to stand up for themselves and not fall victim to the media, patriarchy, and other social issues that we face. Her motivation is fueled by negativity in the fashion industry in particular. By creating blog posts with empowering words and images, she encourages females to always love themselves for who they are regardless of what goes on in society and always be great. In all she displays courageous words and cheers on her followers, especially the feminist ones through wise words. At times when I feel like giving up, I always go on her page and read some encouraging quotes such as, "while some things are out of your control, there are other things you can do to help enhance your chances at success (and by success I don’t necessarily mean money or fame or anything permanent, I mean moments, little amazing moments, that you hold onto when everything else turns to shit…)". I always worry that my life will not turn out the way I want to, but, this always helps me remember that success is not a clear path, life will throw me curve balls. Instead of calling success my final goal, I focus on all the exciting moments that I encounter throughout my daily life. Furthermore, in the first below that states," Don't let them turn your strengths and flaws" (@AMBIVALENTLYYOURS), the artists states that women should not allow society to kill their spirits and make one frown upon themselves, we are strong and beautiful. In the second photo that states, " Talking to each other instead of about each other" (@AMBIVALENTLYYOURS). The artists suggests that instead of trying to compete with one another and being judgmental, all females should stand together because we will be stronger as one. In the last image that states, " I love you but I can't excuse your sexist bullshit" (@AMBIVALENTLYYOURS). The artist explains that women should not have to deal with sexism. Instead, society needs to change the way they see women and how they treat them. Overall, @AMBIVALENTLYYOURS can be seen as not only an artist, but also a role model for many women to understand the way they deserve to be treated and a positive outlook to have on life.



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